Make a Plan

We are hearing from many of you, especially those who live alone, that you are worried about what would happen to your pets if you become too ill to care for them. The most important thing you can do is Make a Plan.

Have a conversation with your family and friends to determine who might care for your animals. If not a neighbor or family member, perhaps there is a pet sitter, groomer or boarding facility you have used before. You should identify two potential caregivers, a primary and a backup. Confirm they are willing and able to care for your pet. Make sure they understand you are counting on them.

If you do not have potential caregivers, the Evanston Animal Shelter is here to help. Because of the outpouring of support from the community we have a large number of people ready and willing to provide a foster home for companion animals until this emergency passes. We will take your pets into our Custodial Program and provide for them, free of charge. When you are back on your feet your four-legged family members will be returned to you.

To be prepared in advance with the information the shelter needs, follow the link, below, and complete the Custodial Application. When the application is received we will send you an email with more details about custodial care. Completing this application doesn’t mean you need help for your pets right now – it just gives us important information in case that occurs.

Click here for our Custodial Program Application and Information

(Note: Due to technology limitations, this page is titled "foster application" -- be assured that it is indeed our custodial program application.)

Everyone who has a pet should prepare a pet supply kit. It should include:
  • Name and contact information for the person who will care for your pets
  • Food, treats, a few favorite toys
  • Leash and collar with ID tags for dogs; cat carrier for cats
  • Medications and prescriptions, along with instructions
  • Vaccination records, if available
  • Daily care instructions including behavioral quirks
  • Your veterinarian’s name and contact information

All of us at the Evanston Animal Shelter hope to provide peace of mind knowing that your beloved pets will be cared for during this difficult time. We are in this together.